Sunday, January 13, 2019

why non islamic people are not happy in islamic nations.

Hello friend today we are going to talk Islamic nation .No Islamic nation accepts atheism or other religion. No Muslim country where state religion is declared as Islam accepts or professes secularism.. You may be allowed to stay there as second or third class citizen with minimised rights compared to islamic population. But you will have to accept laws that are setup according to islamic doctrines. So basically what  i am trying to say in Islamic nation laww are made on the basis of religion , so if you are from any other religion you may not get right life. Apostates or people who leave Islam are not tolerated in those countries. Some take stricter measures like punishing them with life sentences or executing them, some are a little less strict but in any case is prosecuted. Homosexuals also face similar fate due to Islamic laws. So my answer is NO. Now by Islamic nation if you mean the majority of the citizens are Muslims but the state is run on secular principles, yes there are plenty.Here the basic problem is they are not ready to accept others way to worship , it is fine you do not follow what yo do not want but you can not force other also to do same for you.Population of hindu in Pakista is  reducing day by day . If you are in any Arabic nation you can not enjoy your religious fastivals , even you can not perform inside your home . Islam is very good for them self . If you will converted to islam them islamic nation is good for you otherwise you will suffer alot.  Islam is not merely a religion; it includes a body of law ("Sharia") intended to guide both believers and non-believers' actions in every realm.There are many good things in islam but people who follow it has changed many things according to their own way . Even in Kuaran it is said you can take your own best decision according to situation . Many things which has not allowed in Kuran , in current time we can not live without that so we can take our own decision . But many people do not want to come out from 1400 year back . Many years ago islamic nation was most developed locations , but they do not allowed many things to happen in their religion . Mostly things like Haram and Fatwa stoped development of islam. Printing was Haram in Islam , because of that more then 100 years they avoided printings , all nation did printings , all nation learn well and grown well,and islamic nation follwed Haram and Fatwa .

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